
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Emptying Recycle Bin For Redirected My Document

Based on Microsoft recommendation document about Folder Redirection that:

"When you redirect the My Documents, the Recycle Bin size for My Documents defaults to a percentage of the size of the server partition where the redirected My Documents resides. You can manually change this size in 1 percent increments. Because a Recycle Bin can grow large, encourage users to empty their Recycle Bins periodically."

here is a way to emptying my documents recycle bin for all the users by deleting the RECYLER folder for each users. It must be hard to delete it one by one when you don't have privilege on users folder. Just use 3rd party software like TreeSize Professional to check on each user folder and delete the recycle folder under RECYCLER folder. It will answer your day.