
Monday, August 21, 2006

The message HTTP 404: File Not Found appears when accessing ScanMail for Exchange (SMEX) 7.0 through the web console

Recently, i had upgraded my Trend Micro Officescan and Scanmail from version 6 to Client/Server/Messaging Security for SMB version 3.0

For OfficeScan, there is no problem. Upgrade is smooth and easy, while all the configuration remain the same. The only problem is the Scanmail for Exchange 7.0 that we cannot manage from web consol, event i could not see the real time monitoring.

Above all that, the Scanmail service is up and running also it get the update from console.

After two weeks, i was looking and searching trend micro site. Finnally, our support engineer come with solution.

The problem is our IIS for Exchange Server locked using the lockdown policy. So just follow the solution document and it works.

Complete solution you can find it in
Trend Micro Wesbite solution id 125358.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Kodak Kofax Ascent Capture Installation Part 1

Kodak Kofax Ascent Capture Server Installation

1. Insert CD Installation and let autorun.
2. Choose "Install Ascent Capture for the first time"
3. Select server if you want to make it as server or just standalone.
4. Select folder location or just use default location
5. Next step is choose Server only or all
6. Put unique ID
7. Do not choose adrenaline and select Automatically Reboot and log in
8. Click install button
8. At the end, restart the server (Installation will continue after restart)
9. After startup and login again, installation windows will popup again. This time will take not only minutes but hours. If you see the screen like hanging, it's normal. Just patient and wait.
10. At the end will require to restart again

Next step, i will explain it in part 2

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Download IE 6 Full Package

Here is the way to download full IE package and install it in other machine

1. Get the ie6setup.exe file from Microsoft Download Centre

2. Save the ie6setup.exe in simple drive and folder or in root drive, so you can do the DOS command easily. Example: D:\Temp

3. Run the following command, based on location of your ie6setup.exe.

ie6setup.exe /c:"ie6wzd.exe /d /s:""#E"

4. Accept the agreement

5. Choose the Operating System environment you have (you can choose it all, but it will take more time to download the package) and the Folder you want to keep the installation package (can be default or others)

6. Wait until the downloading process is finish.

7. Your installation package is ready to use. You can copy directly to other machines or copy it to CD.

Reference Link

- Microsoft KB 257249
- Daniel Petri Website